Use real-life workplace documents and tasks.
The Communications And Math Employment Readiness Assessment (CAMERA) System allows you to assess and develop a learner’s abilities to manage workplace communications and numeracy tasks. You can use CAMERA to assess the skills that your learners have and those that they need to work on.
Why use the CAMERA system?
You can use CAMERA system to:
I believe CAMERA, Signposts and workwrite will be the key to breaking the learning barriers.
Nanditta Colbear
Executive Director
Literacy Alliance of West Nipissing
The three components of the CAMERA system:
CAMERA tests
Intake and progress testsA CAMERA Placement test identifies a person’s needs. Subsequent Stage tests at set intervals give learners an opportunity to demonstrate skills and see progress.
Curriculum guidelinesProgram developers and instructors use Signposts to identify what to teach and to monitor learning along specific Essential Skills.
Reproducible WorkbooksLearners complete activities in the workwrite books to develop and practice the Essential Skills they will need at work.
Learn more about CAMERA
Read the report for an outline of the development and refinement of the Communications and Math Employment Readiness Assessment (CAMERA). Following an overview of the assessment and a brief summary of the original development process, the bulk of the report is devoted to a discussion of recent improvements, with an emphasis on task and item design, pilot testing procedures, data analysis, and composition of operational forms.
Read the CAMERA development report.
Become a certified CAMERA assessor
The CAMERA tests are a critical part of the CAMERA System, a set of cohesive resources that can be used to support learners engaged in upgrading. They are the heart of the CAMERA system. CAMERA tests are standardized, which means they must be administered according to set procedures. When these procedures are followed, assessors can be confident that test results are a fair and accurate reflection of learners’ skills. You must be trained assessors to administer the tests.
E-training offers the opportunity to complete CAMERA Assessor training online, at your own pace during those ‘in-between hours’.
The first course introduces you to CAMERA and allows for decisions on whether or not you are the right individual to become a CAMERA Assessor.
Upon completion of the second course, participants complete one Placement and one Stage assessment that is marked and reviewed by the CAMERA Trainer, and certification is granted.
Assessors attend a two-day, in-person training course. Training includes an introduction to the CAMERA System, review of all test content, opportunities to observe the administration of assessments, and occasions to score learner-generated assessment samples.